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Eve of Destruction, eighteen years ago today

Tuesday, September 10th, 2019

[ by Charles Cameron ]

A quick reminder.

It’s the title of Barry McGuire’s song, not it’s Vietnam era, nuke, and Jordan River contents, that concerns us here, reminding us that eighteen years ago to the day was the Eve of Destruction of the Twin Towers in NYC — an infant born eighteen years ago tomorrow would tomorrow be eligible for military service without seeking parental consent.


What a choice: to jump to one’s death, or burn alive in a kamikaze’d building.


McGuire‘s song.

Usama bin Laden is long gone, and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will be tried, if he still lives, in 2021.

We remember the fallen, and honor our first responders and all who serve and save.

Trump — King or Queen? A Biblical DoubleQuote

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019

[ by Charles Cameron — a gender-bender for our times, and a caution against messianic projections on all too fallible humans }

Either way, Donald Trump:


To be frank, I don’t think Trump is either one — but Biblical excuses made by or on behalf of those Evangelicals who favor Trump‘s policies, and particularly his choices for the bench, are worth considering on their own merits.

King David notoriously slept with Bathsheba after sending his friend, her husband, off to die on the front lines, and yet G*d seems to have favored and used him. Similarly, Cyrus wasn’t even one of the Chosen People, yet he seems to have been one of the people chosen.

An aside — while I’m not sure if he originated the idea, it’s interesting that David Koresh, the leader of the Branch Davidians, named himself “Koresh” — “Cyrus” in Hebrew — and gave himself the title “sinful Messiah” because he felt both convinced / convicted of his sinfulness and called to a salvific, nay messianic, purpose. Esther? She was Jewish herself and beautiful, and protected the Jews from a holocaust back in the day.

David exemplifies the leader with a shady, nay adulterous and murderous, past.

Cyrus is the unbeliever in a G*d who uses him for his own purposes. And Esther is a ruler who preserves the Jewish people in a time of trouble.

Each analogy in turn has its merits — yet as regular readers here know, while I’m an enthusiast for thinking via analogies, I’m also concerned to bring critical appraisal to them. I have to admit I don’t see a Cyrus, David, or Esther here, and tend to think the long history of messianic projections by enthusiastic crowds, and messianic pretenders who came and went, should be a caution for us.

Trump looks to me like a man, is all. I wouldn’t trust him, and I don’t even trust myself.



  • CBN (2016), Chaos Candidate: Is Trump a Modern-Day King Cyrus?
  • WaPo (2019), Holy Moses. Mike Pompeo thinks Trump is Queen Esther
  • Trump tries what Harry Potter got wrong

    Thursday, August 29th, 2019

    [ by Charles Cameron — Catching up, a completist post — “I am the chosen one” got Harry Potter a well-deserved smack-down — A DoubleQuote in videos, plus ]

    Donald Trump makes a clear dog-god-whistle to Evangelicals in his base, claiming to be “the chosen one”:

    That’s a quasi-Messianic claim, and goes along with the “Cyrus” references which allow Evangelicals to overlook his”sinful” behavior and view him as a sort of undercover agent for God..


    Harry Potter, meanwhile, get’s righteously swatted by Hermione Granger for making the same claim, albeit in a different context:

    Lesson learned?

    But then there was this:


    Snopes: emphasizes the least messianic view of things


    On Aug. 21, 2019, U.S. President Donald Trump articulated a belief that he is “the chosen one,” the “King of Israel,” or the “second coming of God.”


    Mostly false

    What’s True

    In a brief aside during remarks about the ongoing U.S.-China trade war, Trump said “I am the chosen one.”

    What’s False

    Trump’s “chosen one” aside was likely tongue-in-cheek, not a sincere profession of any belief in his own messianic status. Separately, in a series of tweets, Trump quoted a radio host who claimed Jewish people in Israel admired the U.S. president so greatly that it was as though Trump were the King of Israel or the second coming of Christ. Trump never himself articulated any such belief.


    On the other hand, on BBC News, Pompeo says God may have sent Trump to save Israel from Iran — this is from a few months back, 22 March 2019:

    US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has said it is “possible” that President Donald Trump was sent by God to save Israel from Iran.

    In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network during a high-profile trip to Israel, he said it was his faith that made him believe that.


    For context, it’s worth watching the Netflix’ series based on Jeff Sharlet‘s books, The Family and C Street, with an eye in particular on the way the story of King David and his affair with Bathsheba — including sending her husband to the front line to be killed in battle — proves that God uses unexpected ways to accomplish his plans..

    A second DoubleQuote from the El Paso / Dayton shootings

    Monday, August 5th, 2019

    [ by Charles Cameron — following on from On the literary transmission of terror: 1: mirroring Twitter-feeds ]

    This one’s a matter of two sisters — onw of whom is a martyr-victim, the other a target-victim:

    Giving one’s life to protect one’s kin is an easily understood, deeply honorable affair; getting killed by one’s kin either in vengeance or unintentionally — in haste, with a too-rapid-fire weapon — is saddening and sobering.

    May there be less dead sisters, and less dead in mass casualty events, going forward. That’s a prayer.

    Southern Baptists and Presidents, an open question

    Monday, July 29th, 2019

    [ by Charles Cameron — all views & comments welcome ]



  • Time, Evangelicals Are Supporting Trump Out of Fear, Not Faith
  • SBC, Resolution On Moral Character Of Public Officials
  • **

    I’m leaving this DoubleQuote as an open question> I have my own preferences, of course, but in the spirit of free discourse, comments are welcome from believers and non-believers, saints and sinners, Trumpeteers, Clintonians, and a-politicals alike..

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