Punch counter punch
[ by Charles Cameron — a perfect two-snake pattern from the WaPo headline writers ]
As patterns go, this one is hard to beat:
Washington Post, John Roberts counterpunches the counterpunching president
As you may have gathered, the human propensity for patterning is an enduring interest of mine, and my collecting of such things as ouroboroi, parallelisms, paradoxes, moebius formats and mirrorings is effectively a small pattern language study after the example of Christopher Alexander‘s Pattern Language. Mine, drawing its materials from verbal and visual exemplars rather than architectural ones, perhaps reveals more about the workings of the human mind, aka consciousness.
The “outer world” has yet to catch up with the significance of these studies..
At a time when my worldly goods in book form consisted of fifty or so over-thumbed, used science fiction paperbacks and one hardback — I no longer recall what it was — I won a minor poetry prize of $50 and decided it was better to splurge it on one thing I’d really treasure than to dribble it away, a coffee here, a sandwich there.. much though I like my coffees.
Henbce, for about $45, I aacquired my copy of Alexander’s book — hardback #2!
An I Ching for the West! Nobel-worthy! A Master’s Masterpiece!
November 26th, 2018 at 6:47 am
How it works — from Intelligence, the Canadian crime series, series 1 episode 13, Dnte’s Inferno:
.A New Indictment Looms in the Mueller Probe
All In Chris Hayes 11/26/2018:
We’re just looking at shadows of shadows essentially ..
i don’t know if they have another hand to play ..
two or thgree moves ahead ..
they are controlling the tempo of the battle ..
hardball, 11/28/2018
pardon — it’s in the president’s arsenal — it’s one of the weapons he’s got –mis he going to jse it? — m2 ..
All In Chris Hayes:
Rep Jackie Spier, I have no doubt in my mind that we will when the Mueller investigation is over, be able to put the dots all in a row and draw a line through them ..
Chris Hayes: they are politically astute enough not to lob a huge molotov cocktail onto the hill ..
Rachel Maddow:
a complete historical mirror ..
WAshington Monthly, The Watergate Road Map and Trump’s Future
also James Baker, What the Watergate ‘Road Map’ Reveals About Improper Contact Between the White House and the Justice Department has 7 or so points of parallelism as tabulated by Rachel Maddow 11/28/2018 around m 32.
November 29th, 2018 at 4:44 pm
I don’t believe Star Trek’s three-dimensional chess. I don’t believe most three-dimensional chess analogies. But Mueller? I’m prepared to believe his game:
The stunning implications of the Manafort-Trump pipeline
Best game-changer instance thus far:
November 30th, 2018 at 6:42 am
December 1st, 2018 at 7:43 am
I’m assuming a wrecking ball is a uh, form of weaponry.. And while we’re on the topic of wrecking, there’s this, from a ProPublica piece, An Atomwaffen Member Sketched a Map to Take the Neo-Nazis Down. What Path Officials Took Is a Mystery
MTP 12/1/2018 .. would be a huge scandal without Trump blotting out the sun ..
Last Word, Joyce.. it’s interesting, we see so much of the contours of the investigation, but we don’t know exactly where the pieces are on the chess board, or what rules they play ..
December 1st, 2018 at 7:13 pm
Astonishing, saddening — from the ProPublica piece quoted above:
December 2nd, 2018 at 4:52 am
I’m not sure quite what’s happening here, but it’s clearly a plastics ouroboros:
AH, the tweet has been deleted. Luckily I saved a screenshot:
Is gambit a chess term originally, or usedot: elsewhere and then applied metaphorically to chess?
Definitely the best “Trump card” offering thus far..
meacham on 12/3/2012 morning joe:
,, the gathering storm of actual facts ..
‘The most kind and considerate person I’ve ever known’: George H.W. Bush remembered by former presidents and other officials
Lawrence O’Donnell, The Last Word, 12/3/2018:
Peter Zeidenberg, USA Today,Mueller is building a conspiracy case that’s likely to ensnare Trump and his family
Rep Eric Swalwell, The Last Word, 12/3/2018:
December 4th, 2018 at 5:20 pm
Today’s morning crop was too rich to keep in a comment. I’ve moved it. You’ll find it here.
BTW “inside baseball” was something I heard (as a political metaphor) the other day, but its use here on ZP dates back to May 2005 and PART I – A PREFACE TO A DISCUSSION OF RULE-SET THEORY
December 6th, 2018 at 3:23 pm
126//2018:re bipartisan resolution against mbs:
code of the templaris:


December 6th, 2018 at 7:21 pm
Hi Charles, rising to the Christopher Alexander ‘A Pattern Language’ bait, I too still have a treasured hard-bound edition with its companion ‘Timeless Way of Building’, both rather the worse for wear (having followed me around for a few decades) but enduring nonetheless as befits two such classics.
A propos the inside-outside / mirrored opposites / Ouroboric theme, I recently came across this paragraph in Ernest McClain’s ‘The Pythagorean Plato: Prelude to the Song Itself’, it’s a book about the uses Plato made of mathematical and musical, cosmological allegories in the Dialogues, I hope that’s enough context to gather McClain’s drift —
Platonists have always known that in Pythagorean ratio theory numbers function reciprocally as both multiples and submultiples of some basic unit (n and 1/n). The secret to Platonic mathematical riddles is that we must study reciprocals, compressed to one model octave. The game with reciprocals illustrates a theory of perception: qualities depend on sensation, which depend in turn upon a theory of “flesh, or the mortal part of the soul,” a dilemma which requires that we “assume the existence of sensation … and afterward turn back to examine what we have assumed” (Timaeus 61c,d). It is this turning back to criticize one’s initial assumptions which separates Plato from all philosophy developed from “first principles,” as Western philosophy tried repeatedly from Aristotle onwards. No assumption we can make about Plato’s tone-numbers makes any sense until we have “turned back to study them also from the opposite point of view.”
BTW a readable downloadable double-quotable PDF of the book can be found here: https://ernestmcclain.net/bibliography/ .. a real eye-opener for the Platonists in the agora.
Hoping the season finds you in good health ..
December 6th, 2018 at 7:25 pm
(Apologies for the botched formatting, I don’t see any way to redact & re-edit for paragraph breaks .. looks like them invisible breaks is all the breaks them is …)
December 7th, 2018 at 2:06 am
Thanks, Derek.
The workaround is to drop a period in between paras while in the posting or editing window (see above).editing
December 8th, 2018 at 4:57 pm
04 Harris/Murray/Peterson Discussion: London, 35.10:
MTP 12/7/2018
Carol Lee, m33:
Ari Melber, 12/7/2018, m 03:
m 45:
m 45/6 ((switching rivers in mid-stream??):
m 47:
Hardball, 12/7/2018:
Richard Blumenthal:
All In Chris Hayes > Velshi, m 21:
Jordan Peterson:
San Harris,
December 11th, 2018 at 11:41 pm
MTP 12/10/2018:
political decisions get made on whether the hammer wkill drop or not ..
Ari Melber:
nobody wants to be the tour captain on the titanic ..
Erin CNN:
it’s not all mai-tais and yahtze around here ..
i’m mot a magic wand, i can’t sprinkle magic dust ..
he is his own worst enemy ..
trump throwing his former fixer under the bus ..
i’m sure there was a line to be henry viii’s sixth wife, but it didn’t work out that very well for any of them .. it’s a fool’s errand ..
The meeting turned into a bizarre public fight, on camera, in front of reporters.
which leads to:
Trump’s Reality Show in the Oval Office
During a photo op that morphed into a bizarre spectacle, the president brawled with Democratic leaders over funding his border wall.
December 14th, 2018 at 12:19 am
The Beat, ari 12/12/2018
it’s not uncommon for him to throw people under the bus for his own sake ..
work can work — ourob from ad
chyron: blanklessly ..
they don’t care what he does as long as ho’s going to punch their war backjj into thehe’s fighting ..
is it a metaphor, or is it real?
i think people would revolt ..
someone who’s going to punch their way back into the hearts of the (mumbled) working class ..
[ad] PCMatic, the People’s Militia ..
12/13/2018 all in:
The meeting turned into a bizarre public fight, on camera, in front of reporters.
which leads to:
Trump’s Reality Show in the Oval Office
During a photo op that morphed into a bizarre spectacle, the president brawled with Democratic leaders over funding his border wall.
I’ll stop here, and continue my collecting in the comments section at Next notables, metaphors and bright ideas included