Archive for the 'imagination'
January 14th, 2018 by Charles Cameron
Posted in alexandria, art, breath, bruchion, Character, Charles Cameron, gnosis, imaginal, imagination, jan valentin saether, obit, Uncategorized | 7 comments
August 6th, 2017 by Charles Cameron
Posted in al qaida, analytic, Buddhism, Buddhist, Charles Cameron, christianity, CIA, creativity, Doublequotes, hinduism, Hipbone Analysis, IC, imagination, Islam, judaism, Manhunt, memory, movies, name, tao, Uncategorized | 6 comments
July 11th, 2016 by J.ScottShipman
Posted in 20th century, 21st century, abstraction, academia, analogy, anglosphere, art, authors, book, cognition, complexity, consilience, creativity, critical thinking, Design, diplomacy, emergence, europe, foreign policy, history, ideas, illegal combatants, imagination, innovation, intellectuals, intelligence, interdisciplinary, J. Scott Shipman, john boyd, language, linguistics, literature, magic, memory, metaphor, military professionalism, Patterns, Perception, philosophy, poetry, recommended reading, russia, strategy, synthesis, uncertainty, visualization, weapons of mass destruction, wwii | 8 comments
June 8th, 2016 by Charles Cameron
Posted in adam elkus, AI, Charles Cameron, complex systems, complexity, complexity and social networks blog, games, Glass Bead Game, graphical thinking, imagination, map, mathematics, monica anderson, music, Musings, quant & qualit, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Considering Viv, Wolfram Language, Syntience, and the GBG
August 17th, 2015 by Charles Cameron
Posted in Afghanistan, anthropology, bateson, borders, Charles Cameron, china, definitions, Doublequotes, form, france, imagination, India, iraq, IS, ISIS, language, map, maps of war, pakistan, scriptures, spain, syria, twitter, Uncategorized | 4 comments
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