Some New Additions…..
Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010To the ominously increasing antilibrary and the waning summer reading bookpiles:
Counterinsurgency by David Kilcullen
The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire by Edward Luttwak
Spook Country by William Gibson
Hope to start a couple of these by the end of the month. A number of other books to be finished first.
I have a new decentralized reading strategy that seems to be helping me wad through books faster. Books that I am reading are distributed to be read in different places – one in my gym bag for the treadmill; one in my car in case there’s time to kill at an appointment or at a restaurant; one or two books downstairs to read on the couch or outside on the deck; one to take to the pool with the kids and four of five on my bedstand. There are also a store of books on my iPad, “just in case”.
The strategy allows me to concentrate on finishing several books – my “primary” reads – even as I steadily chip away at the rest and there are enough choices available to suit my mood on any given day so it doesn’t feel like I am doing a literary marathon. Books that I am focusing on, usually histories, strategic studies and social science works, I will mark up with marginalia and the others are just read without recourse to notation.
How do you handle your reading time?