The colors of hope
Thursday, February 10th, 2011[ by Charles Cameron — cross-posted from Brainstormers on the Web ]
You know, we talk a lot about Facebook and Twitter as technologies for change, but how about painted fingers?
[ by Charles Cameron — cross-posted from Brainstormers on the Web ]
You know, we talk a lot about Facebook and Twitter as technologies for change, but how about painted fingers?
[ cross-posted from Brainstormers on the Web ]
[ by Charles Cameron — cross-posted from Chicago Boyz ]
Here’s the evidence I’m seeing for one hopeful outcome…
From an Egyptian FaceBook page:
I will NOT accept that religious groups hijack what we have been doing for their own agenda. A large group of the ones organizing them yesterday were people in galabeyas and long beards shouting “Al Jihad fe Sabeel Allah (Jihad in the name of Allah), you have to continue fighting, we will win this war, if you die here today, you will be a martyr and go straight to heaven, don’t stop, fight, fight, fight”. NO! This is NOT why we were in the streets on Friday being tear gassed and dodging rubber bullets and it is not why we have been going to Tahrir everyday to be heard. The reason why this revolt went through and became successful was because it was not religiously or politically charged.
quoted on the The International Centre For The Study Of Radicalisation blog – ICSR is a joint venture between King’s College London, the University of Pennsylvania, Israel’s Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya, and the Jordan Institute of Diplomacy.
This DoubleQuote first presents a jihadist spin on things, from a legal team member at Minbar al-Tawhid wa’l-Jihad, in Quote #1:
Below that, and lending it both context and irony, is a comment from one of our best analysts of the situation in the Yemen, a former editor for the Yemen Observer.
John Robb gives the same general message a little strategic push…
What’s the best way to defuse Islamic radicalism across the ME and beyond? Help make the protest in Egypt work.
[ by Charles Cameron, cross-posted from Brainstormers on the Web ]
Here are two data-points to drop into the mind-pool as we think about current events in Egypt, the Middle East in general, and the way the world turns.
DoubleQuotes is my name for the format I’m using here, which I came up with a few years back on Brainstorms. The idea is simply to generate fresh insights by juxtaposing two thoughts – be they images, quotes, or even equations (I don’t have the technical chops for music or film clips yet) — in condensed, haiku-like form.
Think of them as pebbles dropped in a pond, watch the ripples…
[ note to Zenpundit readers: I’ll say more about Brainstorms and Brainstormers on the Web in a week or two, once the “on the Web” blog gets under way ]
Grand Strategies: Literature, Statecraft, and World Order by Charles Hill
Heard way too many good things about this book from regular commenters like Scott Shipman (read his review here) to ignore it. The blurbs on the dust jacket are from some genuine heavyweights (and provoked an amusing academic political tantrum masquerading as a review in from some minor departmental nemesis of Hill’s at Yale, where Hill is one of the founding lecturers of their Grand Strategy Program).
I will upjump this in my antilibrary queue to be read after I finish with Luttwak.