April 1st, 2019 by Charles Cameron
Posted in alchemy, ancient history, Archaeology, Charles Cameron, Doublequotes, henry corbin, history, imagination, India, liminal, magic, myth, renaissance, science fiction, sufi, tech, Tolkien, Uncategorized, wwi | 1 comment
July 31st, 2018 by Charles Cameron
Posted in ancient history, Archaeology, biology, Charles Cameron, crisis, Doublequotes, doubletweets, homer, language, Religion, robotics, romance, treasure, Uncategorized | Comments Off on For the lore, lure, and love of language
May 6th, 2018 by zen
Posted in 2018, 21st century, academia, AI, ancient history, authors, book, defense, Evolution, futurism, military history, Tactics, theory, war, warriors | 3 comments
May 21st, 2017 by zen
Posted in 21st century, academia, ancient history, authors, book, philosophy, punishment, reading, review, sacrifice, society, story | 7 comments