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Archive for the 'cve'
February 25th, 2016 by Charles Cameron
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Posted in Charles Cameron, cve, IS, ISIS, propaganda, state department, twitter, Uncategorized | Comments Off on A misappropriated image?
February 12th, 2016 by Charles Cameron
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Posted in #FAIL, Charles Cameron, cve, FBI, games, IS, ISIS, propaganda, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Gaming Violent Extremism
August 26th, 2015 by Charles Cameron
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Posted in 2015, 20th century, 21st century, Afghanistan, al qaida, Alawis, America, analytic, Arab Spring, arab world, asymmetric, blindspots, caliph, CENTCOM, Charles Cameron, computers, corruption, cultural intelligence, culture, cve, DARPA, daveed gartenstein-ross, diplomacy, diplomatic history, Doublequotes, drones, ecology, economics, ecosystem, education, egypt, elections, empire, extremists, Failed State, foreign language, foreign policy, Geography, geopolitics, global warming, globalization, government, Hamas, hezbollah, history, husain haqqani, India, indigenous, innovation, intervention, iran, iraq, IS, ISIS, Islam, islamic world, islamist, Israel, jordan, kurdistan, Lebanon, legitimacy, map, maps of war, maqdisi, mb / ikhwan, mideast, military, military contractor, mystery, national security, non-state actors, organizations, palestine, peace, recommended viewing, Religion, saudi arabia, sectarian, secular, sharia, shia, slavery, state failure, strategy, sufi, sunni, terrorism, tribes, tunisia, turkey, Uncategorized, Vietnam War, wahhab, water & water wars, web 2.0, westphalia, women, wwi, yazidi / yezidi | 2 comments
July 20th, 2015 by Charles Cameron
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Posted in Charles Cameron, counterterrorism, cve, IS, ISIS, Islam, islamist, narrative, Uncategorized | 2 comments